The nuances of aiming in billiards

The nuances of aiming in billiards

 How do you determine the aiming point?

Watching a game of billiards from the outside, it might seem that getting the ball into the pocket is not a difficult task. However, an accurate shot requires a lot of preparation. The most important thing is to aim correctly.

The main rule to follow when hitting the ball is to hit it exactly from the opposite side of the hole. Even before you hit the ball, it is very important to visually identify the point on the ball where the cue will eventually make contact.

Even after identifying this point, you should not immediately try to hit the target. First of all, it is better to swing your arm freely a few times. This will help you to aim. Then make a clear, sharp strike in the right direction.

The main mistake that beginners make at the moment of striking is related to their excitement. Because of the nervous tension, the shot becomes uncertain and therefore too weak. For everything to go right, it is very important to be able to relax at the most crucial moment.

How do you learn the right technique?

Before hitting a shot, it is important to visualise how the ball will roll into the hole. The following steps will help you visualise this.

First measure the diameter of the ball. By measuring exactly half of its diameter in the direction opposite to the hole, you can easily determine where to hit it. Most beginners are unable to cope with this task, and no amount of technique and training will help them master the technique. Professionals say that the best way to improve skills is to practise the game. The more time the reader spends at the billiard table, the easier it will be for him to master the technique of finding the right point.

How can you help yourself with your eyes?

Professionals advise beginners to imagine an imaginary ball next to a real one to help them. A path is drawn visually from the cue to the ball, and the player is asked to place the cue in the direction of this path. In order to hit the ball accurately, it is worth moving the cue left and right for a few seconds.

A few short swings will allow the beginner to remove the tension and stop the cue exactly where they want it. When everything is ready, the grip hand is pulled back and then smoothly thrown forward. It is important to remember that power is not the key to success. Smoothness, concentration and ease are much more important than power.

Cut shot

Another technique can be used if this one seems too complicated. Cutting involves the player mentally dividing the ball vertically. This helps the player to visualise the angle from which the shot will be struck. Next, a mental corridor is drawn from the player to the ball. The left side of this corridor must coincide with the vertical line on the object to be hit.


The question of whether it is necessary to pause before hitting the ball is controversial, even among professional billiard players. Most of them agree that pauses are necessary. The first pause should be taken immediately after the cue is pointed in the right direction, and the second pause should be taken a second before the shot. It is very important to remain perfectly still during these pauses. If the first one has a practical meaning, the second one has only a psychological meaning. It is necessary for the player to have time to control his nerves and to relax completely before the decisive shot.

Finally, it is important to remember that the pleasure of playing billiards should not depend on the result. Of course, it is necessary to strive for victory, but, according to experienced participants of the game, if you only think about it at the billiard table, you will never be able to relax completely.

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